Surplus Equipment from Erie County in East Concord, NY 03.30.25 | Cash Auctions

Surplus Equipment from Erie County in East Concord, NY 03.30.25

12% Buyer’s Premium. 3% discount if paying by cash or certified funds!
  •   Mar 23 @ 8:00am EDT (Start)
  •   Mar 30 @ 6:45pm EDT (End)
  •   Add to Calendar

Before You Bid Check Out The Helpful Information Below:

12% Buyer’s Premium. 3% discount if paying by cash or certified funds.

We Do NOT Ship Merchandise!

The seller has the right to approve or reject the final sale price and will furnish confirmation of acceptance within 72 hours of the close of sale.


This is a Multi-Location sale. Please check each items location BEFORE bidding!

Erie County employees, their family members, or any agents bidding on their behalf, are prohibited from bidding on any of these items.


Removal/Pick-Up: By appointment only- ALL ITEMS MUST BE REMOVED WITHIN 5 DAYS OF THE SALE CLOSING. Winning Bidders will receive emailed invoices with contact information to make an appointment for pickup. 

Payment: Winning Bidders are charged within 24 hours of the county approval of the high bid. There is a 12% Buyer's Premium for all county sales with a 3% discount if paying by cash or certified funds.. Double-check your emailed invoice to make sure it is paid; if a balance is due please follow the link to pay PRIOR to making an Appointment for Pick-Up. We will accept Certified/Cashier’s Checks. Be sure to let us know if this is how you intend to pay.

Tax Exemption: Cash Auctions will no longer be accepting Tax Exemption Certificates. We will not be refunding tax on any invoices; we will ONLY be accepting tax exempt forms for Exempt Organizations (Non-Profits, ST-119.1) and Automotive/Car Dealerships (ST-120 for Vehicles). All other purchasers will be charged the appropriate sales tax regardless of exemption status- If you believe your purchase is tax exempt you can complete an AU-11 on the NYS Department of Taxation & Finance Website for a refund.

Helpful Terms:
Maximum Bid- This is the MOST you are willing to pay for an item (before Buyer’s Premium/Tax); It is your Best Bid. The site uses this Max Bid to automatically bid (up to your Max) against others that are bidding on the same item. This allows you to place all your bids in advance if you are unable to or do not wish to watch the Lots as they close.
Soft/Extended Close- As a lot is closing, if a bid is placed in the Final 2 Minutes, the closing time will restart the countdown from 2 Minutes. This is to prevent “Bid Sniping” and will allow someone who is outbid a chance at rebuttal.
Closing Speed- Lots in our auction will not all close simultaneously at the listed end time. Instead, they will begin to close at a rate of "x" (usually 3-6) lots per minute, depending on how many lots are in the auction (Vehicle Auctions will close at a rate of 1 lot per 2 minutes). This means the first lot will close at the ending time, while the next lot will close 10-20 seconds later, the next lot 10-20 seconds after that, and so on. The closing time for each lot can be seen counting down, at all times. We always try to make sure an auction will be complete within 2 hours of the initial closing time.

You can reach Michael at 716-994-0295. Calling hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to email


1. Sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to the following terms of sale, however, if there is any dispute among two or more bidders, the auctioneer’s decision will be absolute. 

2. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. On lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer will have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. 

2a. Erie County employees, their family members, or any agents bidding on their behalf, are prohibited from bidding on any of these items.

3. All bidders must be registered and approved by the Auctioneer in order to bid.

4. The seller has the right to approve or reject the final sale price and will furnish confirmation of acceptance within 72 hours of the close of sale.

5. PAYMENT – Full payment must be made within 24 hours of ACCEPTANCE of the final sale price. Cash or Certified Checks are accepted and may be brought to our office during business hours (Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm)- Call Ahead!. 

6. A 12% Buyer’s Premium is in effect. A 3% discount will be issued for payments made using Cash or Certified Funds. 

7. Each sale of goods is complete, with title to the goods and risk of loss passing to the buyer at the close of each individual item. 

8. CONDITION OF ITEMS SOLD – All goods are being sold on an “as-is” - “where-is” basis with no guarantee expressed or implied by the auction firm. Buyers are urged to make an appointment to inspect all items before bidding. All goods sold “as-is” and without recourse. 

9. Inspection of goods being sold will be available by appointment only, and only at the discretion of the seller, subject to any and all rules and restrictions provided by the seller.


11. In the event of a disputed bid, the auctioneer at his discretion may determine the highest bidder or he may reopen the bidding to determine the high bidder. 

12. ADDITION OR WITHDRAWAL FROM SALE – The auctioneer reserves the right to withdraw from sale any of the items; to sell items not listed; to group two or more lots into one selling lots, or to subdivide one lot into two ore more selling lot. The auctioneer also reserves the right to sell in bulk. 

13. SALES TAX – Sales tax will be charged and collected on all purchases unless the Auctioneer is furnished with acceptable proof of exemption. 

14. PERSONAL AND PROPERTY RISK – Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage or loss to person and property and specifically release and indemnify the auctioneer from liability therefore. Neither the auctioneer nor his principal or seller shall be liable by reason of any defect in or condition of the premises in which the items are being held. 

15. NON-DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY – Auctioneer will not, in any event, be liable for non-removal or for any other matter, to purchaser. REMOVAL times are stated as such. Items will be forfeited if not picked up during those times and you will lose what you paid for them as liquidated damage. 

16. Upon the failure of the buyer to comply with these terms and conditions, the property may, at the option of the seller, be resold by public or private sale without further notice. The purchaser may be held responsible for any deficit and charges arising from such resale. 

17. No claims will be allowed after removal of goods from the premises. 

18. The record of sale kept by the auctioneer and bookkeeper will be taken as final in the event of any dispute. 

19. The auctioneer and auction firm are acting only as agents, and are not responsible for the acts or statements of the principals. 

20. The auctioneer reserves the right to charge all unpaid invoices to the credit or debit card used to register online if the balance is still outstanding past the final date for payments listed on each online sale. 

21. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Additional terms may be added by the auctioneer by announcement. Auction will also be subject to our Standard Terms found on our website (,

22. By bidding, you acknowledge acceptance of these terms and conditions.